Trump National Golf Club
August 17, 2022 5:30
IN ATTENDANCE: Dino Nicoletta, Jim Schatzle, Liz Dritsas, John Luongo, Lauren Papaleo, Anna Appolonia, Leanne Lucarelli, Lina Scanelli
Dino began our meeting @ 6:15 followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
John Luongo reported on the Treasures Report.
Leanne and Jim approved the Treasures Report.
Dino introduced the local politicians/dignitaries attending our event. He also introduced CNBA Board.
Dino discussed the new general meeting format. We will no longer have morning meetings at the CN Library. Our next General meeting will be @ Huddys on November 9th. There will be a $10 dollar fee for members and a $20 fee for non-members. A cash bar will be available. We will have a short General meeting at our Pig Roast event as well.
Dino introduced Connie Demaio (CO CHAIR OF CN POLO). She invited all to attend CN Polo. Promotional materials are needed for the CN Polo take-away tote bags.
If anyone is interested in providing material please contact Sue Fitzpatrick.
Our next event after Polo is the Pig Roast on 10/18 @ Huddy’s.
Meeting ended 6:40 pm. The festivities continued.