June 2021 General Meeting Minutes

CNBA General Meeting

Colts Neck Library

June 9, 2021

In Attendance: Dino Nicoletta, Leanne Lucarelli, Liz Dritsas, John Luongo, Greg Calderraro,
Vito Viola, Lauren Papaleo, Anna Appolonia, Glen Dalakian


Dino Opened the meeting 8:05am – followed by The Pledge of Allegiance
Allison approved last month meeting notes and Dan 2nd them.


Paypal $1,206.25

Investors Checking 25,166.64

Money Market 16,619.50

Deposits in Transits —— ——

Outstanding Checks (3,546.70)

____________ ___________________

Balance $ $39,445.69



Check 1242 Grant check $ 1,000.00
Fitzpatrick Printing 296.70
Colts Neck PTO 250.00
Ellie Petroutsas 1,000.00
Jacob Carreira 1,000.00


Art Approved the Treasures Report and Allison 2nd.

Greg reported on the DECA scholarships. Recipients for the scholarship have been selected. The $1,000 scholarships will be given to recipients on June 15th at the CN High School. Dino and Greg will attend the ceremony representing the CNBA.

Fireworks: 7/2 at Bucks Mill Park. No rain date. Sue passed out volunteer and sponsor forms.

Polo: Sept 12th at Bucks Mill. Sue mentioned we need sponsors and volunteers for this event as well. Sue Fitzpatrick is spearheading Polo and Fireworks.

Card Exchange – Trump National on Aug 11th. The event will be a Cash Bar and most likely passed around hors d’oeuvres.

Pig Roast – will be in October at Huddy’s. Date TBD

Economic Development Committee: Glen reported. EDC is holding an event @ Huddys – The Business Property Round Table Discussion. It will be by invitation only to property owners to be held on June 28th. The CNBA board is invited. Glen also mentioned Dan is working on a Face Book platform targeting new businesses for Colts Neck.

Sue Fitzpatrick (Committeewoman Township Liaison) reported: Memorial Day Parade was a huge success. It was great to see such a showing of patriotic enthusiasm from the community.Anna thanked Pastor Chris of The Community Church for their hotdog/hamburger contributionafter the MMD Parade.

Sue also mentioned that the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the New Town Hall occurred.

Bella updated us on membership. We have 161 members to date. Mailer will be sent out displaying all of our members.

Members at the meeting introduced themselves.

Glen Dalakian introduced our speaker: Captain Callahan, The Commanding Officer Of Naval Facility at Earl. Captain Calhan has a very impressive resume. The Captain gave a very informative speech on his personal success in the military. He mentioned that Earl naval Station is the largest land owner in Colts Neck. The 3 biggest concerns of the Base are as follows:
– Encroachment on Base
– EUL (Enhanced User Lease) – they have 3 sites looking to farm out
– Security

The Captain thanked all the businesses in town that give his sailors discounts.

Dino ended the meeting at 9:04am


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