CNBA General Meeting Notes
February 10, 2021
Zoom Call
IN ATTENDANCE: Dino Nicoletta, Leanne Lucarelli, Sue Fitzpatrick, John Luongo, Liz Dritsas
Lauren Papaleo, Greg Calderaro, Glen Dalalkian, Anna Apopolonia, Kymberly Mate
Dino opened meeting with Pledge of Allegiance followed by the introduction of all officers.
Lauren approved January’s meeting notes. John second it.
Treasures Report (John Luongo) as of February 6, 2021
Pay pal Balance $ —-
Investor Checking 22,359.43
Money Market 16,616.76
Deposits in Transit —-
Payee Check # Date Amount
Veronica Sullivan 1238 1/20/2021 $51.12
Neves Jewelers 1239 1/20/2021 50.00
Dino met with Township Committee on 1/27. The grant for the restoration and preservation of the multi-purpose trails at Bucks Mill Park cannot go directly to Colts Neck Township. A resolution needs to be passed by the Township to accept the funds and then must go to the State for approval as a legal grant to the Township.
Dino also met with the Colts Neck Sports Foundation and discussed more cooperation between the two groups.
Card Exchange – CNBA will host that event most likely at Pebble Creek – date to be determined.
Fireworks – 7/2 – Sue looking for sponsorships and committee help. Deposit from last year got rolled over to this year.
Polo – 9/2 – We assume there should not be any Covid restrictions by then. Sue is looking for help/volunteers to work this event.
PPP program is in full swing. Please contact John Luongo for additional information.
Economic Development Committee – Glen had his first meeting in January. Committee will be reviewing zoning overlay in business district and also reviewing Covid’s impact on the business district. If anyone has any ideas on how to promote new business in CN please contact Glen D. Township may be conducting a survey at the end of this year to study how Covid has impacted CN businesses.
Grant Program: We approved (5) $1,000 grants. Applications accepted through this Friday. Decision will be made at the next Executive Board Meeting.
Guest Speaker was Rob Stolker who wrote a book called “No-Brainer”. The book deals with his journey in trying to get an endorsement from US Lacrosse as well as to educate parents/girls and the general public about the need for girls to wear helmets and other protective gear while playing Lacrosse. Rob Stolker is a true entrepreneur and is passionate about his endeavors. We applaud him for his efforts. Dan Cardellichio (Chiropractor) explained that in his practice he sees many girls with concussions. Dan and Rob to meet to further discuss and coordinate their efforts.
Dino adjourned meeting