CNBA General Meeting Notes
January 13, 2021
Zoom Call
IN ATTENDANCE: Dino Nicoletta, Leanne Lucarelli, Sue Fitzpatrick, John Luongo, Liz Dritsas, Vito Viola, Lauren Papaleo, Glen Dalakian, Kymberly Mate, Anna Appolonia, Greg Calderaro
We opened the meeting by reciting The Pledge of Allegiance followed by the introduction of all officers. Lauren Papaleo is the new Corresponding Secretary and Liz Dritsas is the new Recording Secretary.
Leanne and Glen approved last month’s meeting notes.
Treasures Report (John Luongo) as January 13, 2021:
Investors Bank Checking $20,531
Investor’s Money Market $ 16,616
TOTAL $ 37,148
- No outstanding checks, deposit transfers & pay pal
Daniel approved Treasures report and Allison 2nd the motion to approve.
CNBA will sponsor a card exchange in April outside at the Pebble Creek Golf Club. Date TBD
- Fireworks
- Colts Neck Polo
Glen Dalakian formed an ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE in Colts Neck. Participants are Anna Appolonia, Greg Calderaro, Lucy Delmonte and Jim Schatzle. Dan Carluccio has joined the committee as well. If any one knows of someone looking to open a business in town, please encourage them to contact the EDC in CN.
CNBA had a great financial year. With that in mind, Greg’s suggestion of a charitable donation (GRANT) to businesses in Colts Neck was adopted. Details are in the application attached. Greg made the motion to adopt and Dino 2nd that motion.
All members are encouraged to renew their membership through the recurring option of the website for ease.
Our guest speaker was the new Mayor Mr. Michael Viola
Mr Viola welcomed everyone. He read excerpts from Mayoral acceptance speech. All township offices are closed to the public. They are operating VIRTUALLY. Please access the Colts Neck Township Website to review what infrastructure projects were completed in 2020. Mediation talks still on-going between affordable housing obligations and Township. The township will repeal an ordinance to allow Colts Neck Economic Development to function under CNBA.
A VISIONING project is in the works where-in the objective is to work through a process to identify what are the best amenities in the business district that best serve Colts Neck. We have had a flat tax rate this past year in Colts Neck. The plan for the New Colts Neck Municipal Building was put on hold due to Covid – expectation is that the plan will be put back on track early Spring. The Bucks Mill Community center has a new roof. The township continues to upgrade the infrastructure and continues to talk with the Trail Riders Club to implement the improvement of the trails at Bucks Mill. Long term planning is in the works for FIVE POINTS PARK now that the township has purchase the DeAngelis’ property. The Township is looking to revamp the Colts Neck website – to ease communications with the community. The Mayor thanked all the volunteers for their service.
The 2nd round of the PPP program is available. The roll-out starts today. Please contact Manasquan Bank for an application. Please contact John Luongo for additional details on this program.
Sue encouraged all to participate in Township Zoom meeting at 7:30pm tonight.
Dino ended the meeting.