CNBA General Meeting Notes
May 12, 2021
Zoom Call
IN ATTENDANCE: Dino Nicoletta, Leanne Lucarelli, Liz Dritsas, Greg Calderaro, John Luongo, , Kymberly Mate, Sue Fitzpatrick, Glen Dalakian, Vito Viola
8:05 am Dino opened the meeting followed by the pledge of allegiance.
Liz & John approved last month’s meeting notes.
Date 5/12/2021 Deposits in Transits
Paypal Balance $1,158.00 $ ——
Investors Checking 25,085.14 ——
Investors Money Market. 16,618.79 ——
Deposits in Transits —— ——
Outstanding Checks (1,000.00)
____________ ___________________
Total Book Balance $ 41,861.93
Payee Check # Date Amount
5 Grant Checks Issued $ 1,000.00
$ 1,000.00
Anna and Leanne approved Treasures Report
Captain Callahan updated us on Earl Naval Base. Soldiers are now allowed to off base.
Jim Schatzle reported on the CNPTO GOLF Outing scheduled for June 7th. Players and sponsorships needed.
Dino reported that our Card Exchange was very successful.
Fireworks: 7/2 with rain date of 7/3 at Bucks Mill. Sue reached out to Earl Naval Base. They will provide the color guard for the parade. CN Community band will play. Community Church will sell hamburgers. Lou Canninzzaro will sell hot dogs. Delicious Orchards Gold Sponsor, Manasquan Bank, Silver Sponsor, Robert DeFlalco $200 Vendor Table.Need volunteers to help decorate and sell apparel.
Polo: 9/12 at Bucks Mill (raindate 9/19). Delicious Orchards and Huddy’s have committed as team sponsors again this year Manasquan Bank Community Sponsor, Robert DeFalco will purchase a tailgate spot. Need volunteers to help sell hats and t-shirts, set-up day of, registration.
Report from Committeewoman & Township Liaison: Sue Fitzpatrick
Memorial Day Parade is May 31. We will assemble at Town Hall at 10:00 to decorate vehicles. CNBA is #16. We will parade down Heyers Mill Road to the Memorial Cemetery for a ceremony. No hot dogs at the Firehouse this year.
Township Website vendor bid accepted. Media Committee Meeting with the vendor on Monday to discuss expectations and look and feel of the finished product. We need drone specialist to video events and scenic Colts Neck spots if anyone has a local contact.
Township Buildings will open to the public June 1.
Municipal Building Bid was accepted for Hall Construction. Groundbreaking ceremony on June 1 at Town Hall at 10:00 am
Economic Development Committee (EDC). Glen Dalakian reported. Everything is status quo. New Brochures are printed. They possibly may be distributed to out of town businesses. Glen hinted at New Businesses coming to Colts Neck…more information coming soon.
Speaker: Matt Catania – Business man and owner of 30 Jersey Mikes. Matt discussed how he went from working as a lawyer to a businessman. He discussed the importance of having Core Values and a Mission Statement in business. He hires, fires, and evaluates his personnel 2 x a year. He continually shapes his team to meet the needs of the business. As a CEO he focuses on 3 things – People – Vision – Culture.
Lessons learned in order to have a successful partnership:
- Stay in one own lane (do what you do best)
- Put aside your pride
- If you disagree with your partner ask why
Finally his businesses’ Core Values are: Integrity, positive attitude, compassion, education and leadership
Dino closed the meeting @ 8:50am.